Earlier this year, African Swine Fever devastated pig farms across Europe, with Estonia being particularly hard hit.
And now, as the disease has reached China, some worry that a global epidemic is inevitable.
China is said to be home to half the world’s pigs.
Some reports point to imported Russian pork as the source of the outbreak in China, since the country stopped importing US pork because of increased trade tariffs.
ASF has no cure or vaccine and has a fatality rate of 100 percent in pigs, but is benign in humans.
And now, as the disease has reached China, some worry that a global epidemic is inevitable.
China is said to be home to half the world’s pigs.
Some reports point to imported Russian pork as the source of the outbreak in China, since the country stopped importing US pork because of increased trade tariffs.
ASF has no cure or vaccine and has a fatality rate of 100 percent in pigs, but is benign in humans.