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#Soaking in a hot #bath can be one of life's greatest simple pleasures, but in #Japan, #authorities are warning that it could also be #fatal.

Soaking in a hot bath can be one of life's greatest simple pleasures, but in Japan, authorities are warning that it could also be fatal. As temperatures fall, Japanese love taking leisurely soaks in hot water, but deaths from baths there are five times higher than traffic fatalities. The elderly are especially susceptible because when you enter the bath, your blood pressure rises and then falls rapidly. This increases the heart rate to keep the blood flowing to the brain. But the elderly may lose consciousness due to their weaker constitution. Moreover, with weakened senses, senior citizens may not realize that they are getting into water that is too hot for them to handle. To provide safeguards, some facilities have hired monitors to keep watch over people who may suffer from heat shock.