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Brian Tracy's speech in South Korea(3) Section04, Section05


What percentages of your decisions areemotional? And what percentages of your decisions are logical or rational?Well, the answer is 100% of your decisions are emotional. Human beings arecompletely emotional. We decide with our emotions and then we justify it withlogic. If you want to build your business, remember this is how people feelabout you, is the most important determination of what they do with you. Ifthey like you and they like your personality, then they want to be associatedwith you. So when you go to work on yourself, you improve every part of yourlife.
Final question, how many people here areself-employed? Well, the true answer is that everyone is self-employed.Everyone works for themselves. Everyone is the president of a company with oneemployee yourself. You are the president of entrepreneurial company with oneservice to sell and that's your services. Even if you work for someone else forall your life, you're always self-employed. You are always the president ofyour own personal services corporation.

Now this is important because the top 3% ofthe people in our society see themselves as self-employed. Average people thinkthat they work for someone else but then that means they think that someoneelse controls their life, that someone else makes decisions for them, thatsomeone else would take care of them and love them and hold them. Most people,when they become adults, go from their home with their mother and father towork and their boss becomes their mother and father. And they want to be takencare of like little children. But the fact is that when you become an adult,you become the president of your own life.

Now I have a magic pen here. And I got thispen in Switzerland and it's a magic pen that gives me special powers. And youshouldn't believe that. But by the powers vested in me, I hereby dub you allpresidents. You're all presidents. You're all CEOs. And you're all in charge ofyour own lives and your own companies. Congratulations!

If someone asks you where you workedtonight, you say you were at a president's conference. Yes, you got togetherwith other presidents from around Seoul to learn how to run your business moreprofitably in the coming year. If they say, "Well, I never heard aboutit." You say, "Well you probably weren't on the list." They say"What did they talk about it?" You'll say, "Well, mostlypresidential matters. They'll be of no interest to staffs." In fact, ifyou're not with your husband or wife tonight, afterwards you can phone home andsay, "I'm now the president of my own company." And your husband orwife will say "Oh, no. You've been fired again." But you are allpresidents, right?

Now, what that simply means is that youaccept responsibility for your own life. You do not blame other people for yourproblems, you do not make excuses, you do not complain about things that youdon't' like. If you are not happy with something, you are the president, youchange it. If you have problems, you solve them. If you have goals that youwant to achieve, you achieve them. The big difference that I've ever seenworking all over the world between people is that a small number of people likeyourself are active. They take action to achieve their goals. But the majorityof people are passive. They wait for someone else to come along and solve theirproblems. They're waiting for a bus on a street where no buses go. They keepwaiting for the bus. And the bus never comes. They keep waiting for someoneelse to come and improve their lives. But not you. You are the elite. You arethe top 10%. You are pro-active. You make things happen. You don't wait forthings to happen.


But let me tell you about myself just aminute. I started off from a poor family. We did not have very much money. Myfather and mother did not always have jobs. From the time I was 10 years old, Iworked in the neighborhood to earn my own money to pay for my own clothes and Inever took money from my parents again from the age of 10. I did not graduatefrom high school. I finished in the half of the class that makes the top halfpossible. They say that everybody is good for something even if it's only to bea bad example. And I was a bad example. So when I left school, the only jobthat I could get was washing dishes in the back of small hotel. And when I lostthat job, I got a job washing cars with a car company. And when I lost thatjob, I got a job washing floors with a janitorial service. I thought that washingwas going to be my future. But it was a downhill train.

So when I lost those jobs and lost, when yousay, "I lost a job," when you are young, it means that you got fired.When I got fired from these jobs, I would go to the next job. I used to live inmy car at one time because I didn't have a place to live. I would work infactories sometimes in the afternoon sometimes overnight. I worked in sawmilland lumber mill in the mountains. I worked in construction labor. I worked onfarms and ranches. I worked on a ship in the North Atlantic. I did laboringjobs for many years. How many people here are in sales? OK, well, that's what Igot into when I couldn't get laboring job as well. So I know where you'recoming from.

So I got into sales and I didn't know how tosell. They told me that "All you have to do is talk to enough people andyou'll be successful." Well, I wasn't afraid to work. So I went and begantalking to people but nobody bought anything. So I would talk to more peopleand still nobody bought anything. So I began to run from place to place. So Icould be rejected more often. And I did this for about six months going aroundin circles. And every so often occasionally I would make a sale which is justenough to stay alive.

Then one day I did something that haschanged my life and it brought us here together. I went to the top sales man inmy company. He was selling 10 times as much as anybody else. And I asked them,"What are you doing differently from me?" And he said, "Well,let me see if I can help you." He said, "Show me your salespresentation." I said, "What's a sales presentation?" He said,"Well, it's logical and orderly way of selling your product." And Isaid, "You mean there is a logical and orderly way of selling?" Andhe said, "Yes." And he showed me a logical and orderly way which I'llexplain to you a little bit later.

And so I began to sell in a logical way.It's very much like phoning with the telephone. If I ask you for your phonenumber and I say, "I'll call you later." And you'll give me a number.Well, I can take out my phone they provided this phones in the hotel. I cantake out my phone, anyway, and if I know your number, I can put in your number.And phone will ring and you'll answer the phone. If I give your number tosomeone else, they can phone you. If I give your number to someone else, theycan phone you. As long as you have the right phone number, you can get throughto the person.

But what if I said to you, "I'll phoneyou later this week?" and you say, "Yes" and I say, "Goodbye."And you say, "What? Don't you want my number?" I say, "No, It'sno problem. I'll find out your number by pushing the buttons." And so I'lljust push your number and say, "Are you? No?" I just push some morebuttons. How long will it take me to get through to a person if I just push thebuttons randomly? Probably my whole life, probably never. But if I have theright numbers in the right order, I could get through immediately. If you sellin the right order, if you do anything in the right proper sequence, you makefar better results than if you just do it randomly.

So he showed me how to sell systematically.So I began selling in a logical order and my sales went up. And then I beganreading books on selling and my sales went up. And I began listening to audioprograms on selling and my sales went up. And then I began to attendconferences like this. And I still remember the first one that I attended I'venever been to one before. And I sat and took notes and then I practiced what Ilearned and my sales went up, and up, and up. And soon I was the top sales man.Soon the person who started me was working for me. Within a year I was incharge of all the sales people. Within two years I was in charge of sixcountries and I had 95 sales people. And my whole life was transformed.