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Brian Tracy's speech in South Korea(5) Section08, Section09


Well, what I learned from this law of causeand effect was this: Thoughts are cause and conditions the conditions of yourlife are the effects. Thoughts are cause and conditions are effects. Yourthinking creates your life. Now this is the greatest thought in history. Thisis the great thought of all the religions and all philosophy and all psychologyand all success is that your thoughts create your life, that you can actuallychange your life by changing the thoughts that you think because your lifealways goes in the direction of your thinking.


So here is the great rule for success. It isthat you become what you think about most of the time. You become what youthink about most of the time. So the question is, "What do you think aboutmost of the time?" What do you think about most of the time? By the waythis law is true, but it is not 100% true, because if it was 100% true thenevery young man would turn into a young woman by the age of 20. So the questionis, "What do you think about most of the time?" Well, in the last 25years big companies have spent many millions of dollars searching for theanswer to this question. Several companies some years ago put together a poolof more than 20 million dollars. And what they wanted to is discover what topsales people think about most of the time. Top business people, topentrepreneurs. Because if they're going to hire sales people or businesspeople, they wanted to have a profile that will help them make better hiringdecision. So they interviewed more than 350,000 people like you.

And they were interviewing them every weekfor 6 weeks or 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months. And once each weekthey would phone them up and they would say, "What are you thinking aboutright now?" And the person would say, "What I'm thinking aboutthis" and they would write it down. One week later then they would callsay, "What are you thinking about right now?" They would do thisevery week for many months. And gradually they began to see a profile. And theythen took this group of people and they sliced them up into 10%, the bottom10%, the next 10% and finally the top 10%. And you are in the top 10%. So theylooked at the way people in the top 10% think most of the time.

And can you guess with the top people thehappiest highest paid most successful people think about most of the time? Canyou guess? Well, the answer is they think about what they want and how to getit most of the time. Then you say, "That's too simple." No, it's thekey to success. It's successful people think about what they want and how toget it. They think about their making more money and doubling their income.They think about health and they think about their family. They think abouttheir home. They think about their car. They think about what they want most ofthe time and they think about how to get it.

And I want to share with you a word whichyou already know. And this is the most important word for success. Are youready? It's the word 'How?' So from now on, whenever you have a goal, the onlyquestion you ask is "How?" Whenever you have a problem, the only questionyou ask is "How do I solve it?" When if you want to double yourincome, the only question you ask is "How do I double my income?" SoI want you to say the word, say "How?" Now say it again. Wonderful!From now on, whenever there is anything in your life that you want to change,the only question you ask is "How?" Because "How?" is thequestion of the top 10%. "How?" is the question of theself-responsible person. "How?" is the question of theaction-oriented person. The person who asks "How?" is one of the toppeople in our society. Everyone works for and under the people who think interms of 'How?'.
Here's a good point. Every goal that youcould ever have has already been achieved by someone. Every problem you couldever have has already been solved by someone. Every question you could ever askhas already been answered by someone. Your question is simply to ask"How?" "How did others do it?" And there's rule in successthat says "Success leaves tracks." In other words, there're tracks toany kind of success you want and your job is to find the tracks and follow thetracks to double your income, to create a wonderful life. All the answers havebeen found. And nobody is better than you, nobody is smarter than you. Ifsomeone is doing better than you today, there's simple explanation. Theyfigured out "How?" before you did. That's all.

And here's another discovery. Anythinganyone else has done you can do as well. If they have done it that means youcan do it. We're not talking about being an Olympic athlete. We're not talkingabout winning a novel prize in physics. We're just talking about being a bigsuccess in life. And if there are hundreds of thousands or millions of otherpeople who are successful starting from very little, it means that you can doit as well. As long as you keep asking the question "How?"

So we find in interviewing these people thatthey have the top people have one special quality. And this is the quality thatmakes South Korea one of the greatest countries in the world today. Not becauseof size but because of your accomplishments. 20 years ago, 50 years ago SouthKorea was a very different country from today. Today, South Korea is one of themost respected countries in the world. And soon if your coach works out, SouthKorean soccer team will be on of the most respected soccer teams in the world.Right? If Guss Hiddink can get everybody working together, soon you will be oneof the top if not the number one soccer team in the world. It's going to happenbecause Guss Hiddink has only one question and that's "How?""How do we make this world class soccer team?" Right?