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Although the White House is trying to ferret out the author of the scathing New York Times editorial criticizing the current Trump administration, it is unlikely that the author's identity will be revealed. Although the White House is trying to ferret out the author of the scathing New York Times editorial criticizing the current Trump administration, it is unlikely that the author's identity will be revealed. Reports indicate that even within the New York Times, the author's identity is nearly completely concealed. Officials at the paper explained that the editorial department makes different deci..
Greece’s largest refugee camp faces closure over “uncontrollable” amount of waste. HEADLINE 1 Speculation is mounting over the possibility of holding a second Pyeongyang-Washington summit within this year. HEADLINE 2 As the new U.S. special envoy on North Korea, Steven Biegun started talks with South Korean officials regarding denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and ways to achieve it. HEADLINE 3 Hurricane Florence is dangerously approaching the southern East Coast of the..
최첨단 기술 파라메트릭(Parametric) 기법~ 국내 최초 ‘3D 매직 패턴’ 주얼리 출시, '골든듀' 주얼리와 하이테크놀로지, 유니크한 아름다움을 담은 FW컬렉션 3차원 입체 공간에 원하는 것을 만들어 내는 3D 프린팅 기술이 나날이 발전하며 예술작품에서부터 건축, 가구, 패션 등 생활 전반에 걸쳐 활용되고 있다. 주얼리업계 역시 3D 프린팅과 3D 캐드 제작 기술이 있어야 가능한 최첨단 기술 파라메트릭(Parametric) 기법에 주목하고 있다. 국내 대표 파인주얼리 브랜드 골든듀(Goldendew)에서는 기하학적인 패턴 디자인을 3D 캐드 알고리즘으로 설계하는 파라메트릭 기법과 3D 프린팅 기술을 접목해 국내 최초 ‘3D 매직패턴’을 고안했다. 기하학적인 패턴이 마법처럼 주얼리 표면에 구현 되는 것을 이르는 ‘3D 매직패턴’으로 지디심포니(GD Symphony)와 지디블러썸(GD Blossom) 컬렉션을 2018 F/W 시즌 처음으로 선보인다. 지디심포니(GD..
대접에 마시는 차. 대접받는 느낌 ㅋㅋ #웃음 #빌리엔젤 #cafe #차 #tea 대접에 마시는 차. 대접받는 느낌 ㅋㅋ #웃음 #빌리엔젤 #cafe #차 #tea
고대 안암역 근처 설렁탕맛집 동우설렁탕 수육도 맛있다 친한언니와 저녁. 수육도 맛있고 설렁탕도 맛있는 곳. 국수를 많이 줘서 더 좋다. 7천원이란 가격도 매력적. 맛있다♡
Taiwan now has formal ties with only 17 countries. Taiwan now has formal ties with only 17 countries. Many of them are smaller, less developed nations in Central America and the Pacific, including Belize and Nauru. Last month, Taipei lost another ally to Beijing when El Salvador became the third country to switch allegiances to China this year. Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen has vowed not to bow to Chinese pressure and has accused Beijing of luri..
Media outlets in the U.S. reported a more amicable atmosphere during the festivities for the 70th anniversary of North Korea. Media outlets in the U.S. reported a more amicable atmosphere during the festivities for the 70th anniversary of North Korea. Over 100 foreign journalists were invited to cover the major national anniversary celebration. ABC News reported the inter-continental ballistic missiles paraded in public in the past were not on display this time around. Instead the focus was on economic development and ..
Samsung Group’s brand value soars to 105 trillion won this year, the fourth largest in the world. HEADLINE 1 After undergoing testing, only one person out of 6 people who had close contact with a confirmed MERS patient has been discharged, while the next two weeks, or the incubation period of the virus, will be crucial for determining whether the virus will spread further. HEADLINE 2 Statistics data show that an average of 116 people are falling prey to voice phishing scams every day. HEADLI..
