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Hot packs that conveniently fit in pockets and gloves have become a necessity in the frigid winter.


by Splendid Writer 2019. 1. 29. 10:02



Hot packs that conveniently fit in pockets and gloves have become a necessity in the frigid winter. However, a hot pack can become hazardous to your skin if used incorrectly. 

If you use the hot pack for extended periods of time, it may desiccate your skin. And if placed in one place for over an hour, you may even get a low temperature burn. If you get a so-called 'cold burn', it won't hurt at first, but your skin will gradually become red and itchy. 

If this happens, immediately cool down the skin with cold water for about 15 minutes. If you think your skin has just dried out from the hot pack, boost the humidity in the room to 40 to 50 percent and maintain an average indoor temperature of 23 to 24 degrees. Also, drink water and apply some skin moisturizer.


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