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Brian Tracy's speech in South Korea(7) Section12, Section13, Section14


Here's the 3rd key to becoming a completeoptimist. And it is to look for the valuable lesson in every difficulty orproblem that you have. Let me repeat. Look for the valuable lesson in everyproblem or difficulty that you have. And a couple of things will happen.

First, while you're looking for the lesson,your dimmer switch will go on full and you'll be positive, you'll be creative,you'll be high-energy. If you're looking for who's to blame and who, what wentwrong, your dimmer switch goes right down to negative. When your dimmer switchis down low, you become angry, you become fearful, you become worried, youbecome impatient and so on. So your job is to keep your dimmer switch on fullmost of the time. Successful people are people who make a habit of thinking thethoughts that keep their dimmer switch on full rather than allowing themselvesto think thoughts that make them feel unhappy.


So, I had a friend. Once he told me thatevery time God wants to send you a gift, he wraps it up in a problem. And ifGod wants to send you a big gift which means is a really valuable lesson, hewraps it up in a big problem. So I know that many of you feel you have too manygifts right now. But if you look into every problem as a gift, you'll alwaysfind a gift. And I want to give you an exercise. First of all, question. Doesanybody here have any problems? Of course, we all have problems. It is normaland natural to have problems. All of life is a continuous series of problems.The only interruption in this series of problems is the occasional crises. Soif you're living in normal life, you'll have a crisis every 2 or 3 months. Itwill be problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, crisis, problem,problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, crisis. So your life will beseries of problems and crises. Which means by the way that everyone in thisroom is either in a crisis right now or you just got out of the crises oryou're just about to have a crisis. And that's the way the world works.

The only thing that matters is how you dealwith the problems and crisis. So I want you to think about your problems. Andimagine that your problems are like a stack of dishes, a stack of plates.There's always one plate on top. This is the biggest problem that you have inyour whole life. I want you to think about your problems and say,"Alright. What is the biggest problem I have today?" This is theproblem that causes you the most worry. This is the problem that makes you themost unhappy. This is your biggest problem in life. Sometimes it's a financialproblem. Sometimes it's a relationship problem. Sometimes it's a healthproblem. But I want you to think about your biggest problem just for a moment.And then I want you to imagine that this problem was designed just for you onthe other side of the universe. And it was designed by a great power in theuniverse that wants you to be successful and happy. And this power knows that foryou to be successful and happy, you have to learn a series of lessons. Thispower also knows that you will not learn a lesson unless it hurts in some way,unless you suffer emotional pain or financial pain or physical pain, unless yousuffer in some way, you will not learn. So the biggest problem you have todayhas been designed by this power and sent to you at this moment to teach you alesson that you need to learn to be successful and happy in the future.


The only question is "Are you going tolearn the lesson?" or "Does your problem have to get bigger andbigger before you learn the lesson?" Because this power is very patient.This power will send you the lesson you need at a low level with a small amountof pain. But if you don't learn the lesson, it will come around and will comeback at a higher level with more pain. If you still don't learn the lesson, itwill come around and wack.  And it willhurt even more until you finally say, "Stop hitting me, I've learned mylesson." And once you learn your lesson, you then go on to the nextproblem where you will then get another lesson. In your whole life, everyproblem that you ever have contains a lesson. And if you look for the lesson,your dimmer switch goes on full and you become more positive, you become morepowerful, you become more confident, you become more experienced, you becomemore intelligent by simply searching for the lessons in every problem that youhave. And every problem contains a lesson.

Now if you want to have tremendous positiveinfluence on other people, here's a very simple way. Especially your friends,your business associates, your downlines and your children, this help them beclear about what they want and encourage them to think and talk about what theywant most of the time. When your friends or your family have problems, helpthem to look for the good in the problem. And while you're both looking for thegood, both of your dimmer switches would go on full. And finally if you have aperson in your life who has a problem, ask them this question. "Whatlesson are you meant to learn from this problem?" "What lesson iscontained in this problem that is just for you?" And my promise is you'realways finding the lesson. And the lesson will be the greater value than the costof the problem. Does anybody know what I am talking about so far? This makessense. Ok.