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'인구는 국력' 세계 나라 인구 순위 2018년 기준... 우리나라 27위... 1 중국 1,415,046,0002 인도 1,354,052,0003 미국 326,767,0004 인도네시아 266,795,0005 브라질 210,868,0006 파키스탄 200,814,0007 나이지리아 195,875,0008 방글라데시 166,368,0009 러시아 143,965,00010 멕시코 130,759,00011 일본 127,185,00012 에티오피아 107,535,00013 필리핀 106,512,00014 이집트 99,376,00015 베트남 96,491,00016 콩고민주공화국 84,005,00017 독일 82,293,00018 이란 82,012,00019 터키 81,917,00020 타이 69,183,00021 영국 66,574,00022 프랑스 65,233,00023 이탈리아 59,2..
ऐसे दुनिया में आया एआर इमोजी, हैप्पी वर्ल्ड इमोजी डे :) जानकारी देने से लेकर ऑनलाइन स्टोरी शेयर करने तक, पिछले कई सालों में स्मार्टफ़ोन पर मल्टीमीडिया, कम्यूनिकेशन का प्रमुख साधन बन गया है। केस इन प्वाइंट: सैमसंग के नए गैलेक्सी S9/S9+ के कैमरे से कैप्चर की गई शानदार तस्वीरें, इन्वेंटिव जीआईएफ और क्रिएटिव वीडियो जो बेहद ही खास हैं। लेकिन गैलेक्सी S9/S9+ ने आगे बढ़ते हुए पेश की हैं कुछ इंटेलिजेंट और पर्सनलाइज़्ड इमोजी, जिसका मतलब है कि अब आप कभी भी सिर..
Samsung Launches 4D Lunar Gravity VR Experience Developed in Collaboration with NASA Highly-immersive “A Moon for All Mankind” cinematic adventure utilizes Samsung Gear VR; Makes U.S. Debut at Samsung 837 NEW YORK CITY – July 19, 2018 – Samsung Electronics America, Inc. today launched “A Moon for All Mankind” (AMFAM), an immersive, consumer-focused 4D lunar gravity virtual reality (VR) experience. With the Samsung Galaxy S9+ and Samsung Gear VRpowered by Oculus, consumers immers..
Many people are choosing to travel for a living, by writing blogs and posting pictures on the internet. Many people are choosing to travel for a living, by writing blogs and posting pictures on the internet. As such, traveling solo has become a growing trend these days. Among these countless travelers, there are many tips for those who choose to go on an adventure, but one that is grabbing attention is to write a journal. Even just taking five minutes a day to write down any major events or key me..
The shortened work week has already impacted the leisure industry. The shortened work week has already impacted the leisure industry. From July 1st, Korea implemented a maximum work week of 52 hours. After that, the sales of outdoor products shot up. Cycling, golf and camping gear all saw large increases in sales, which is sure to affect people’s vacation plans this year.
According to a Yonhap News feature, extended stays are rising in popularity among Koreans. According to a Yonhap News feature, extended stays are rising in popularity among Koreans. As the stresses of modern life pile up in the cities, many Koreans are seeking longer vacations with less pressure to sightsee in a short period of time. These vacations often involve relaxing in one’s destination and doing leisurely activities that would normally be done near their homes, such as reading ..
The hot weather will continue to cover the Korean Peninsula until mid-August... The hot weather will continue to cover the Korean Peninsula until mid-August, so let the Yangpyeong Water Festival help you cool off into the beginnings of August. From August 3 to August 5, the 7th Yangpyeong Water Festival will be taking place. Come get involved in the water fights, the bingsu eating, the water balloon toss, the inflatable slides, and many more refreshing activities.
Posing for photos is an everyday occurrence for sports stars. Posing for photos is an everyday occurrence for sports stars. However, some photo ops can quickly lead to criticism and controversy. Not only the photos themselves, but the athletes’ captions can also get them in hot water. MMA fighter and part-time boxer, Conor McGregor recently stirred up controversy by captioning a photo with Russian President Vladimir Putin with the phrase: “This man is one ..
