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According to government data, Korea is home to nearly 13.5 million senior citizens between the ages of 55 and 79. According to government data, Korea is home to nearly 13.5 million senior citizens between the ages of 55 and 79. That’s up 512,000 people, or 4%, from a year ago. More than 56% of Korea’s seniors are currently working, while nearly 46% are collecting a pension. The average monthly pension amounts to approximately 570,000 won, with males taking home 760,000 won and females 370,000. In addition t..
Korea is likely to face inflationary pressure due to rising oil prices, fallout from record high temperatures, and increasing public utility rates. Korea is likely to face inflationary pressure due to rising oil prices, fallout from record high temperatures, and increasing public utility rates. Rising oil prices tend to fuel inflationary pressure by jacking up production costs. In addition, the current heat wave, is feared to sharply increase prices of vegetables and other foods. Finally, Seoul City and other municipal governments are poise..
Global Headlines Hundreds have gone missing after a dam collapsed in southeast Laos on Monday HEADLINE 1 Hundreds have gone missing after a dam collapsed in southeast Laos on Monday, flooding 6 villages, resulting in many residents being killed and hundred others displaced. HEADLINE 2 The daily high in Yeongcheon and Yeoju exceeded 40 degrees Celsius yesterday. HEADLINE 3 Amid ongoing heat waves across the country, the maximum electricity demand set a new record. HEADLINE 4 North Korea h..
A few beers or a bottle of wine a week may actually be beneficial for men hoping to start a family. A few beers or a bottle of wine a week may actually be beneficial for men hoping to start a family. A study in Italy showed that moderate drinkers had a better sperm count than those who drank less or more. Moderate drinkers were classified as men who drank four to seven units of alcohol a week. Experts think the antioxidants in wine or the Xanthohumol in beer could improve sperm by protecting c..
Eating dinner before 9 PM could reduce your chances of breast and prostate cancer by about 20%. Eating dinner before 9 PM could reduce your chances of breast and prostate cancer by about 20%. A study of over 4,000 people suggests that eating dinner at least two hours before going to bed can reduce your chances of both cancers. Scientists believe that eating late causes inflammation in the body and alters blood sugar levels. These are both linked with cancer.
Just the smell of coffee alone could boost your brain's performance. Just the smell of coffee alone could boost your brain's performance. Participants in a recent study were given a test. Half the group took the test in a room that smelt like coffee, while the other half were in a room with no smell. Participants in the coffee-smelling room performed significantly better. Scientists think that rather than having a chemical effect, the smell of coffee had a placeb..
The trend of brushing your teeth with charcoal toothpaste may not be worth following after all. The trend of brushing your teeth with charcoal toothpaste may not be worth following after all. Many have raved that activated charcoal is great natural way to whiten teeth. However, dentists are saying that the grains could potentially be too harsh on your teeth. If used too often, the charcoal could cause enamel erosion. Though your teeth may appear whiter in the short run, thinner enamel woul..
한국인터넷기업협회 "토큰 이코노미, 이미 펼쳐진 신경제 패러다임" 2018 굿인터넷클럽 “토큰 이코노미가 가져올 변화”는... 한국인터넷기업협회(회장 한성숙, www.kinternet.org, 이하 인기협)는 7월 24일(화) 오전 8시, 인기협 엔스페이스(삼성동 소재)에서 협회가 주최·주관하고 네이버, 카카오, 엔씨소프트, 넥슨코리아, 온오프믹스가 후원하는 ‘2018 굿인터넷클럽 6차 행사’를 개최했다. 빠른 속도로 발전하는 블록체인 기술 변화에 우리 기업들은 다양한 서비스에 토큰 이코노미의 적용을 시도하고 생태계를 구축에 노력하고 있으며, 이러한 변화의 패러다임을 어떻게 풀어갈 수 있을지 논의하는 자리를 마련했다. 이번 행사에는 김문수 대표(BeCrypto/aSSIST 디지털전략기회MBA 주임교수)와 최재승 대표(캐리프로토콜)의 토큰 이코노미 관련 주제 발표와 구태언 대표변호사(테크앤로)의 진행으로 패널 토의가 진행되었다. ..
