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A recent report by Brand Finance ranked the world's countries by their national brand value. A recent report by Brand Finance ranked the world's countries by their national brand value. South Korea came in at 10th place with a brand value worth 2 trillion dollars. In first place was the United States with a national brand value of 25.9 trillion dollars. The company used three pillars to calculate a dollar value to a nation's global image. The first pillar is goods and services, which in..
The Trump administration is reported as maintaining its two-track policy of talks and sanctions towards North Korea. HEADLINE 1 The two Koreas agree to break ground for railway, road connections as early as the end of next month. HEADLINE 2 The Trump administration is reported as maintaining its two-track policy of talks and sanctions towards North Korea. HEADLINE 3 Education Minister Yoo Eun-hae announced tough measures in response to a recent corruption scandal involving private kindergartens across the nati..
U.S. First Lady Melania Trump finally explained why she wore a controversial jacket over this summer during a trip to a migrant child detention center. In a recent interview, U.S. First Lady Melania Trump finally explained why she wore a controversial jacket over this summer during a trip to a migrant child detention center. The long-length olive green jacket was emblazoned on the back with "I really don't care, do you?" Trump said the jacket was "kind of a message" for the left-wing media who was criticizing her. She said she wanted to show he..
Koreans visit the hospital 17 times a year on average. Koreans visit the hospital 17 times a year on average. Korea took the cake among OECD nations in the number of outpatient visits to doctors per capita. Japan came in second with 12.8 times, followed by Slovakia with 11.5 times, Czech Republic and Hungary with 11.1 times, Germany with 10.0 times and Netherlands with 8.8 times. The OECD average was 6.9. Koreans also ranked as the most frequent vis..
With about a month to go until high school seniors take the annual college entrance exam in Korea, education experts advise not to cram at this juncture. With about a month to go until high school seniors take the annual college entrance exam in Korea, education experts advise not to cram at this juncture. Instead of trying to learn new concepts and methods, some experts say it's better to hone in on the skills you already have. A month is enough to burn yourself out, but it's not enough time to learn new information effectively. That means it's ..
Starting December 23, cigarette packages will feature stronger and more graphic pictorial health warnings. HEADLINE 1 Family members of 5 Koreans who died on a Himalayan mountain in Nepal are expected to travel to Kathmandu today at the earliest. HEADLINE 2 The government is considering to temporarily lower fuel taxes by 10 percent. HEADLINE 3 Starting December 23, cigarette packages will feature stronger and more graphic pictorial health warnings. HEADLINE 4 More than 200,000 people took to the stre..
누구나 재능을 타고 난다...대기업, 매스미디어가 지고, 이제는 개인들의 그 재능을 펼칠 때다. 요즘 인플루언서들 활약이 대단하다. 개인들의 능력이 그렇게 발휘되고 있는 것이다. 이제는 핑계가 없다. 어느 조직에 있어서만 무언가를 할 수 있는 시대가 아니다. 쉽게 미디어가 될 수 있고, 또 쉽게 자신의 능력과 재능을 다른 이들에게 온라인 상에서 전달할 수가 있다. 그런 시대에 과연 미디어는 존재해야할까? 미디어의 역할은 무엇일까? 상업성 짙은 홍보 관련 영역들은 이제 미디어보다 다른 곳에서 돈을 쓰고, 돈을 벌고 있다. 미디어에 국한되지 않은 많은 플랫폼들이 그 역할을 대신하고 있다. 그런 플랫폼에서 자리를 잡지 못한다면, 미디어라고 해서 자리를 지킬 수가 없다. 변화는 금방이다. 오프라인 신문들이 온라인 기사에 밀리고, 공중파 방송이 개별 개인방송에 밀리는 지금. 기업들은 긴장하지 않고 미래를 준..
Starting next January 1st, California will start its first state-wide ban on plastic straws. Starting next January 1st, California will start its first state-wide ban on plastic straws. The law applies to dine-in restaurants, but allows restaurants to provide plastic straws for customers who request them and at fast-food outlets. California is the most populous state in the U.S. and it joins a growing list of areas that have banned single-use plastic straws. For violators of the new law..
