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U.S. President Donald Trump is taking aim at Iran's core economic engine, energy exports, with new sanctions going into effect on November 5th. U.S. President Donald Trump is taking aim at Iran's core economic engine, energy exports, with new sanctions going into effect on November 5th. All business with Iranian oil companies will be prohibited including insurance policies on oil shipments. Existing sanctions on Iran's financial sector will also be tightened and all financial transactions with Iran's central bank and a number of other b..
Apple, the largest company by market capitalization at the New York Stock Exchange, suffers its worst stock drop in 4 years. HEADLINE 1 The government is expected to expand child subsidies to parents of young children to all parents regardless of their income level starting next year. HEADLINE 2 South Korea and the United States resume their joint marine exercise KMEP after a six month hiatus. HEADLINE 3 The number of electric vehicles in Korea is expected to surpass 30,000 this year. HEADLINE 4 Apple, the largest com..
China, the world's largest producer and consumer of rare earth minerals, will limit its domestic production of rare earth minerals in the second half of this year. China, the world's largest producer and consumer of rare earth minerals, will limit its domestic production of rare earth minerals in the second half of this year. This move affects a group of 17 elements used to make electric vehicles and consumer electronics. Unnerved manufacturers are scouring the globe for alternative supplies. China's production limit will provide only enough rare earth min..
The overwhelming majority of Koreans do not believe they are healthy. The overwhelming majority of Koreans do not believe they are healthy. According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the percentage of Koreans aged 15 or older who answered "good" for their health status was at 32.5%. Korea scored the lowest followed by Japan at 35.5%. This is in stark comparison to the OECD average of 67.5%. On the other hand, New Zealand at 87.8 percent, Canada at 88.4 perce..
Amid the increasing social pressure against drunk driving, the National Police Agency announced... Amid the increasing social pressure against drunk driving, the National Police Agency announced that it wants to lower the legal blood alcohol limit to 0.03% for drivers under the influence. In addition, drivers will have their licenses suspended after two DUI infractions instead of three. Officials say the need to toughen the consequences to reduce the number of repeat offenders. Starting next ..
Eleven people have been killed in a mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. HEADLINE 1 Education Minister Yoo Eun-hye announced that without parents’ consent, private preschools won’t be allowed to cancel nor delay student recruitments. HEADLINE 2 The ministry of foreign affairs said that military aircraft will continue transporting Korean nationals stranded in Saipan to Guam. HEADLINE 3 Eleven people have been killed in a mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pen..
'마약청정국' 대한민국을 유지하는 비결은? 그리고 궁금한, 해외 3대 마약왕은 누구? 포스트 무적스팸 - 영화 '마약왕' 관련 자료다... 보고 싶은 영화다.... https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=16920634&memberNo=1972495 영화 '마약왕' 개봉 소식을 들으면서 보면서 과거에 정말 대한민국에 마약을 다루는 일들이 있었는지, 그리고 그런 일들이 어떻게 일어났는지 궁금해졌다. 그러면서 알게 된 세계의 '마약왕'들... 최근 사건으로는 30년 동안 성형 수술까지 하며 마약을 판매했던 루이스 카를로스 다 로차가 있다. 2017년에 브라질 경찰에 잡힌 그는 콜럼비아와 페루, 볼리비아 등에서 마약을 생산해서 유럽과 미국, 브라질 등에 파는 조직이 있었고, 그의 재산은 무려 1억 달라가 넘었다. 우리 돈으로는 1000억..
Processions of Central American immigrants are making their way to the United States to avoid drugs, violence, and poverty in their respective homelands. Processions of Central American immigrants are making their way to the United States to avoid drugs, violence, and poverty in their respective homelands. The so-called caravans are mainly comprised of people from Honduras and Guatemala who hope to gain refugee status in the United States or Mexico. In response, U.S. President Trump has tweeted that he may mobilize troops to block people from ill..
