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Recent government data showed cancer remained the leading cause of death in South Korea in 2017, with heart-related illness as the runner-up. Recent government data showed cancer remained the leading cause of death in South Korea in 2017, with heart-related illness as the runner-up. More than 285,000 South Koreans died in 2017, which is up 1.7% from a year earlier. This is the largest death toll since 1983, when the government started to compile such data. Of all reported deaths last year, nearly 79,000 people died of cancer, accounti..
The two Koreas have agreed to set maritime, air and ground buffer zones in front-line areas to reduce military tensions, prevent accidental clashes, and build trust. The two Koreas have agreed to set maritime, air and ground buffer zones in front-line areas to reduce military tensions, prevent accidental clashes, and build trust. They also agreed to halt military drills near the military demarcation line, withdraw some border guard posts, disarm the Joint Security Area in the Demilitarized Zone and jointly excavate war remains in the buffer zone. The agreeme..
President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un announced the September Pyeongyang Joint Declaration. HEADLINE 1 President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un announced the September Pyeongyang Joint Declaration. HEADLINE 2 President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un are visiting together Baekdusan Mountain together today. HEADLINE 3 U.S. President Donald Trump welcomed the announcement of the Pyeongyang Joint Declaration, adding that Kim Jong-un has agreed to allow “nu..
이동욱, ‘코스모폴리탄’ 2월호 커버 장식! 로맨틱한 발렌타인 화보 공개 배우 이동욱이 발렌타인데이를 앞두고 로맨틱한 화보를 공개했다. 이동욱이 패션 매거진 ‘코스모폴리탄’ 2월호 커버를 장식했다. 그는 이번 화보를 통해 그동안 쉽게 볼 수 없었던 ‘인간 이동욱’의 다정하고 사랑스러운 모습을 유감없이 드러냈다. 공개된 화보 속 이동욱은 발렌타인데이, 데이트를 준비하는 로맨틱한 남자친구로 완벽히 변신해 꽃을 들고 달콤한 눈빛으로 카메라를 응시하고 있다. 이동욱은 뷰티 아이템들을 들고 장난기 가득한 포즈를 취하거나 로맨틱한 모습으로 여심을 설레게 했다. 이동욱은 한국 셀러브리티 최초로 샤넬 브랜드 캠페인 모델이 되어 화제를 모은 바 있다. 하얗고 깨끗한 피부의 이동욱은 이날 화보 촬영 이후 이어지는 인터뷰를 통해 자신의 페이보릿 뷰티 아이템을 공개하기도. 이어지는 인터뷰에서 그는..
U.S. President Donald Trump escalated his trade war with Beijing, imposing tariffs of up to 10 percent on about $200 billion worth of imports. U.S. President Donald Trump escalated his trade war with Beijing, imposing tariffs of up to 10 percent on about $200 billion worth of imports. The move was described by one senior Chinese regulator as having “poisoned” the atmosphere for negotiations. In response, China has hit back at fresh U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods, announcing its own additional duties on US$60 billion worth of American im..
Approximately 2.7% fewer people are expected to make the trek to their hometowns this Chuseok, while about 8.2% more will travel overseas. Approximately 2.7% fewer people are expected to make the trek to their hometowns this Chuseok, while about 8.2% more will travel overseas. Authorities expect traffic volume to peak around Sunday morning and Monday afternoon. To help alleviate congestion, the government will forgo collecting tolls between Sep. 23 and 25. A total of 36.6 million people are expected to be on the move during the Chu..
A Russian military aircraft with 15 people onboard has been accidentally shot down by Syrian anti-aircraft defences. HEADLINE 1 President Moon Jae-in held the first round of summit talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for approximately 2 hours. HEADLINE 2 U.S. media reported that this week’s summit in North Korea has presented President Moon Jae-in with the crucial challenge of putting Pyeongyang and Washington back on track on the issue of denuclearization. HEADLINE 3 The U.S. announced that it will cha..
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