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President Moon Jae-in and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York President Moon Jae-in and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, and they discussed ways to improve their countries' own bilateral ties, often soured by their shared history. Abe urged Moon to honor the countries' agreement signed late 2015, under which Korea's former Park Geun-hye administration agreed to for once and for all settle the i..
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi expressed support to safeguard the Iran Nuclear Deal. HEADLINE 1 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will travel to North Korea next month to set up a second summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. HEADLINE 2 A total of fourteen newborns have been infected with rotavirus at a Daegu hospital. HEADLINE 3 Following the U.S. Federal Reserve’s hike of its interest rate, the rate gap between Korea and the U.S. will..
Fewer people are living in extreme poverty around the world. Fewer people are living in extreme poverty around the world. However, the decline in poverty rates has slowed according to the World Bank. This has raised concerns about achieving the World Bank's goal of ending poverty by 2030. The percentage of those living in extreme poverty globally fell to a new low of 10 percent in 2015 to 736 million people. Extreme poverty is defined as living on less th..
The European Commission has unveiled a transportation, energy and infrastructure plan with a large focus on Asia. The European Commission has unveiled a transportation, energy and infrastructure plan with a large focus on Asia. An initial fund of 60 billion euros would insure projects across central Asia and south-eastern Europe. Many see the move as a countermove to China's extensive investment in its new Silk Road project, but the European Commission denies any rivalry with Beijing. Since 2013, China has ..
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was re-elected as head of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party in a landslide victory against his opponent. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was re-elected as head of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party in a landslide victory against his opponent. Winning 70 percent of the votes, Abe is on path to be Japan's leader for three more years. He may also be emboldened to pursue his long-time goal of revising Japan's pacifist constitution. The 63-year-old Abe has been prime minister since December 2012. If..
President Moon Jae-in, while addressing the nation of his three-day trip to North Korea HEADLINE 1 President Moon Jae-in, while addressing the nation of his three-day trip to North Korea, said that he aims at achieving an end of war declaration within this year. HEADLINE 2 The third Moon-Kim summit is expected to prompt the restart of negotiations on denuclearization between Pyeongyang and Washington. HEADLINE 3 OECD cuts S. Korea's economic growth forecast from 3.0 pct. to 2.7 pct..
외동아이 잘키우는 법 엄마추천도서! 함께 성장하는 엄마와 아이 ‘외동아이 이렇게 키웠습니다’ 힘내야 하는 외동아이 엄마들!! 그들에게 실전 양육법을 선사하는 책이다!!! 소중한 외동아이를 어떻게 키워야 할까? 모든 엄마의 고민을 위한 조언과 격려가 들어가 있는 책 ‘외동아이 이렇게 키웠습니다(다독다독/저자 엄주하)’가 출간되었다. 이 책은 ‘아이 혼자 자라는 것은 외롭지 않을까’하는 사회적 시선 속의 외동아이여도 잘 키울 수 있다고 엄마들에게 자신감을 주는 책이다. 무엇보다 저자 엄주하 자신이 직접 외동아이를 키우면서 터득한 육아에 대한 현장 노하우가 담겨있다. 책 속에는 수많은 아동 학자들의 연구를 기반으로 다양한 에피소드들을 담아 외동 엄마들의 고민과 불안을 덜어준다. 또한 ‘아이는 미안해하는 엄마보다 당당하고 행복한 엄마를 원한다’는 자신이 직접 외동아이를 기르면서 느낀 쌓아온 노하우를 공..
According to reports, a delegation of Vatican officials will head to China this month before signing an agreement on the appointment of bishops.  According to reports, a delegation of Vatican officials will head to China this month before signing an agreement on the appointment of bishops. If such an agreement does materialize, it would end a long-standing dispute between the Vatican and China. However, some fear that it could cost Taiwan its only diplomatic ally in Europe. Previous attempts for rapprochement between the Vatican and China..
