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Brian Tracy's speech in South Korea(8) Section15, Section16, Section17


So this is the way the top people think mostof the time. This is the way the top people think. Now optimists have twospecial qualities. Optimists as I said are realistic. But optimists also have,what we call, an unrealistic expectation of success. They expect to besuccessful. In reading hundreds of stories of men and women who have achievedgreat success in life, most of them came from very limited backgrounds, most ofthem had no advantages when they started off. In reading hundreds of story, youfind one common quality among successful people is they expect to besuccessful. No matter what happens, no matter how many time they have setbacksand difficulties, they keep coming back because they expect to be successful.They have unrealistic expectations of success. Even if everything seems to beagainst them, they still believe that they're going to be successful. And theynever let go of that idea.

Imagine that your mind is like a computer.And as you know, a computer runs on the programs that are put into thecomputer. So imagine that there was a computer store that sold beliefs. Becauseyour mind runs on your beliefs, if you have positive optimistic beliefs, that'show you run your life. If you have negative or fearful beliefs, that's how yourlife runs. So imagine there was a special computer store. And you could go downand you could buy a special belief for yourself and program it into the back ofyour mental computer.

What would be the very best belief for youto have? Well, I've thought about this for 25 years. And my answer is, the bestbelief for you to have is this, is that you're going to be really successfuland really happy in your life. If you have this belief, the belief is I amgoing to be really successful and really happy in my life. If you have thisbelief, you will act in a way consistent with this belief. You will do thethings consistent with your belief. And you will eventually have a happy andsuccessful life. So the most important belief you can have and it's the samebelief that all top people have throughout history is that you are going to bea big success in life. That's your belief.

If you believe that you're going to be a bigsuccess, it will trigger two special behaviors. Special behavior No.1 is thatyou will try more things. You will try more different things. You will talk tomore people. You will make more calls. You will read more books. You will takemore actions. You will set more goals. You will try more things.

In our society we believe a lot in luck.When we see someone who is successful, we say that person is lucky. And we doall kinds of things so we can be sure of having as much luck in our life aspossible. However when I went to university in the 30's, I took a course on thesubject of what is called 'probabilities'. And it's a very difficult course totake. Anybody taking in this course in school 'probability theory'? Don't takethe course. It's a terrible course. What they teach you is there's probabilityof everything happening. There's a probability of you living toeighty-years-old. There's a probability of you driving your car without anaccident for a year. There's a probability that lightning will strikesomewhere. There's a probability that you'll become rich in the course of yourlife time. Now your job and my job is to increase the probabilities for thethings we want to happen.
Here's the discovery. If you try more thingsand you try more different things, you increase the probability of success. Andwhen you're successful, it's not luck. It's just that you try more things. Ifyou try more things, you increase the probability that you'll try the rightthing at the right time with the right resources. If you try only a few things,you lower the probability of success. You and I can not control what is goingto work and what is not going to work. We can't control what will be successfuland what will not be successful. But we can control the number of differentthings that we try. And if you control the number of things that you try andyou try more things, by extension you'll guarantee your success.


Every successful person is an optimist whotries lots of things because he believes he is destined to be successful or shebelieves she is destined to be successful. So try more things. Now the secondquality of optimists is that they persist longer than other people. As a matterof fact, optimists never quit. Optimists continue to persist week after week,month after month, year after year. Optimists never give up. They just neverquit. It is the greatest of all rules for success is first of all, try morethings and second of all, never give up.

Now here's something I learned when I beganstudying this subject in psychology many years ago. I found that if you getinto a traffic accident, it's too late to take a course in first aid. Ok? It'stoo late. If you want to be useful at a traffic accident, you must take yourfirst aid course before the accident. It's the same thing in life. You aregoing to have many problems and setbacks and temporary failures. These willhappen. And if when they happen, it's too late to then decide what you're goingto do about it.

So here is the secret, is make a decisionnow that "When I have a problems in the future, I am not going to stop. Iam not going to quit. I'm going to set a goal to double my income and then I'mgoing to double it again. And no matter how many problems I have, I will justkeep going, I will not quit." If you make that decision in your consciousmind, it will be accepted as a command by your subconscious mind. Then when yougo out and you have setbacks and difficulties, you're already programmed andyou immediately respond and you don't quit.

When I learned this in my early 20's, it hadan enormous impact on my life. From then on I made a decision that when I set agoal, I'll never quit. I will simply never quit. And I don't have anymoreintelligence or ability than you do. But I do know one thing is I just neverquit. I mean you can shoot me 'boom' dead but I won't quit. I will just keep ongoing like. So that must be your decision as well. You make a decision whenyou've decided that you want something in your life, you want to double yourincome, that you're going to double your income and you will not quit. You'lljust keep on trying more things until you succeed. And if you make thatdecision, your success is guaranteed, your success is guaranteed.


Ok. Now I'm going to give you a quick test.I'm going to ask you to write down your 3 most important goals in life rightnow. Please take out your piece of paper, your pad and write down your 3 mostimportant goals in life right now. You have 30 seconds to write. You now have20 seconds left. Write quickly. If you can't think of 3 goals, just writemoney, money, money. You have 10 seconds left. 5 seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1. Stop. Nowthis is a special method of goal setting that you can use all your life. Wehave this discovered that if you only have 30 seconds to write down your 3 mostimportant goals, your answers will be as accurate as if you have 30 minutes or3 hours. When you are forced to write down your 3 most important goals, yourtrue goals will emerge on the paper. Now let me see if I can guess what your 3goals were. In 80% of cases, your 3 goals will be a financial goal, a healthgoal and a relationship or family goal. Right? And the reason for that issimple. Those are the three main areas of your life.

Now I want to tell you something else. If Iwere to ask you, "What are your 3 biggest problems in life?", your 3goals are the solutions to your 3 problems. If you achieve the 3 goals, you'dsolve your 3 biggest problems. One last point is remember we said thesuccessful people think about the future and where they're going. When youwrite down those 3 goals, that tell you your future because both consciouslyand unconsciously each day you are moving toward achieving those goals. Even ifyou're not even thinking about it, you're still working toward achieving thosegoals because those are your subconscious goals. You're moving toward them andthey're moving toward you. Well, what I want you to do and here's the exerciseis for the next 24 hours, I want you to think about those 3 goals all the time.I want you to think about the 3 goals and I only want you to ask 1 question.And the question is "How?" Yes, yes, that's how. You are goodstudents.

Now we've interviewed the top 10 percent andas I said you're in the top 10 percent. We've interviewed the top 10 percentextensively. And ask them, "What do you think about most of thetime?" And we find that the top 10 percent of people have a special way orseveral special ways of thinking most of the time. These are all learnable waysof thinking. You can learn to think like the top people. And when you thinklike the top people, you will get the same results as the top people.
It's a law that says that your outer worldwill always be a mirror or a reflection of your inner world. So therefore yourouter world today is a reflection of what you're thinking about today most ofthe time. If you change what you're thinking, if you reprogram, then your outerworld will change, so it's consistent with your inner program. It's sort oflike projecting on a screen. Imagine that your eyes are projection lenses, thescreen is your reality or your world. And your thoughts are what are projectedthrough your eyes under the screen. You always project yourself under thescreen of your life. Wherever you look, you see yourself. Wherever you look,there is yourself reflected back.
So how do top people think most of the time?They have what we call 'orientations'. Now an 'orientation' is a general way ofthinking. And the 1st orientation is what we call 'future-orientation'. Thatmeans that top people think about the future most of the time. Top people thinkabout where they're going most of the time. But top people have a special wayof thinking about the future. And the special way is this, is they imagine aperfect future for themselves. They imagine a happy future. They imagine anideal future for themselves.

So here's an exercise. Imagine that you havea magic wand and that you could wave this magic wand over the future. And youcould pick a date 5 years from now. And 5 years from now, your life will beperfect in every way. If your life was perfect in every way like a magic wand,what would it look like? What would you be doing in 5 years if your life wasperfect? How much money would you have if your life was perfect? What kind offamily or marriage would you have if your life was perfect? What kind of homewould you live in? What kind of car would you drive? How much money would youhave in the bank? How much money would you be earning? Who would you be within5 years? Who would you no longer be within 5 years? If your life was perfect inevery way, what would it look like? Now the greater clarity you have withregard to the answer to this question, the faster you move toward it, thefaster it moves toward you. The greater clarity you have, the easier it is tomake decisions. The greater clarity you have of your future vision for yourlife, the easier it is for you to learn lessons.