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Brian Tracy's speech in South Korea(9) Section18, Section19, Section20


Now I flew here from Los Angeles yesterdaymorning. I left Los Angeles and when the plane left and got into the air, thepilot came over and he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving inSeoul in 12 hours and 37 minutes," 12 hours and 37minutes and then theplane started. Now if you know anything about airplanes, you know that airplanewas off course 99 percent of the time. 99 percent of the time, the airplane wasoff course. All airplanes are off course 99 percent of the time. So the pilotsare continually bringing the plane back on course. They have winds that move theplane. They have turbulence and clouds they go up and down. So the plane is offcourse 99 percent of the time
But can you guess when the plane arrived inSeoul? How long the flight took? 12 hours and 37 minutes. And the plane landedin the Seoul airport exactly to the minute that they predicted in Los Angeleswhen the plane took off even though it was off course most of the time. Whenyou have a clear vision for your future and you know what your perfect futurewill look like, you'll be off course most of the time. You'll be makingmistakes and you'll be trying more things and you'll be learning lessons andyou have temporary setbacks and you'll have difficulties and you'll be learningfrom every experience. And you'll be getting off course and on course and offcourse and on course. And just at the right time, you'll achieve your goal.You'll arrive at the airport of your goal exactly the way you thought as longas you're clear about your destination.

Imagine if I took off in a Korean airlineplane. And the pilot came on and said, "Thank you for flying with Koreanair. We don't know where we're going so we're going to fly around for a whileand see if we find anything nice". That's how most people live theirlives. They're flying a plane your mind that can take you across the world withgreat accuracy. But because they don't have a destination, they just go aroundin circles. How many times have you met someone and then met them again 5 yearslater and their life is still the same? They still have the same problems. Theystill have no money. They still have problems at work. 5 years later, nothinghas changed. They're going around in circles. Now an airplane goes around incircles until what happens? It runs out of fuel and then it crashes.
Do you know that airplanes do not coast?Jets have to be moving at about two hundred and fifty kilometers an hour in allthe land. If they slow below 250 kilometers, they fall like a stone out of theair. And they go splat. If ever you take a flight and they say, "Ladies andgentlemen, the life jackets are under the seat. In case of any emergency waterlanding, proceed to the emergency exit door and put on your life jacket. Blowit up 'BU-' like this." Have you seen those? It never happens. Thosewarnings were for 50 or 100 years ago, when they had little planes, when theyhad propeller planes. And there was a chance, a very small chance that one ofthese planes would land on water. Today jets don't land on water. Jets fall outof the sky like a bottle falling from the top of a hotel onto a concreteparking lot. And they go splat.

Anyway, most people fly around in circlesuntil they run out of gas or run out of life. And then they just crash and thennever accomplish anything. But when you have a clear destination with the sameintelligence as a person who is a genius with the same intelligence, you canfly straight and clear and true like an arrow to your target. So, first of all,have your future-orientation and just imagine your perfect future. And don'tworry about people who say, "It's not possible, you're too young, you'retoo old." Don't listen to negative people. What you say is, if someoneelse can do it, I can do it as well. And then you look around then you findsomeone who's done it. And you'd go and ask them for their advice. Andsuccessful people will always give you advice. They'll always tell you what todo. And if you just do what other successful people do, you'll soon get thesame results that other successful people get.


By the way, here's a quick point. RichDivoce of Armway also told me this. He said, "If you're not going tocommit for 5 years to this business." He said, "Don't get into it atall." He said, "It takes 5 years to master any new business."And this is based on years of research. If you decide to become a sales person,it'll take you 5 years to master it. If you decide to become a lawyer, it'lltake you 5 years after you graduate before you'll begin to become successful.If you decide to become a doctor, after all your training, it'll still take 5more years before you're successful. So therefore, if you're not willing tocommit 5 years, don't start at all.

Alright, well, so develop future-orientationand think about the future most of the time. If someone has a problem, you say,"Okay, what's the solution?" and think about the future. When someonemakes a mistake, you say, "Okay, you made a mistake. Next time in thefuture, why don't we do it this way?" Keep thinking about the future. Andwhen you're thinking about the future, your dimmer switch is on full and you'rehappy and you're more positive and you have more energy, you're more creative,you're the best person that you can be. Almost all of our problems in life comefrom people who are talking about the past. They're worrying about the past.They're angry about the past. They're critical about the past. They keeptalking about the past. Don't be like that. Think about the future.


Now the 2nd quality of top people is toppeople are goal-oriented. Top people are goal-oriented in that they think abouttheir goals most of the time. They think about their goals and how to achievethem most of the time. So let me give you a simple 7 step formula for settingand achieving goals. There are many more elaborate or bigger formulas. But I'llgive you a 7 step formula that you can write down on one of the back pages ofyour booklet.

Step No.1 is to decide exactly what youwant. Most people have no idea of what they really want. They say, "Well,I want to make more money." But that's not a goal. That's just a wish orfantasy. They say, "I want to be healthy." But that's not a goal.These are not goals. Okay? A goal is something that is very clear andmeasurable. So decide exactly what you want.

No.2 is write it down. Write it down onpaper. They very act of taking a goal and writing it down increases thelikelihood, the probability of achieving it by 10 times by 1000 percent. Sowrite it down.
No.3 is set a deadline. Set a date at whichyou'll achieve the goal. Sometimes people say, "Well, what if I write adeadline and I don't achieve it by the deadline?" Then you set a newdeadline. And you keep setting new deadlines until you finally come to theright deadline. So No.1 is decide what you want. No.2 is write it down. No.3 isset a deadline. If you just do that, you will have separated yourself from mostof the people in the world.

No.4 is make a list. Make a list ofeverything that you could think of to do to achieve the goal. Every step, everyactivity, every action write down everything you can think of. And as you thinkof new things later, write them on the list. Keep writing in your list untilyour list is completed, you can't think of anything else.

No.5 is take your list and organize thelist. Organize the list by priority. What do you have to do first? Organize thelist by sequence. What do you have to do before you do something else? And alist organized by priority and sequence is a plan. So now you have a goal and aplan. Now you move into the top 3% of people in the world. You have a goal anda plan.

Step No.6 is take action immediately on yourplan. Take one step, take any step. But do something immediately to start theprocess moving. Do you remember that Confucius once said, "A journey of athousand leagues begins with a single step." What we all found in historyis that the achievement of any great goal begins with a single step. And thenyou take another step. And then you take another step. And if you take enoughsteps, you could accomplish any goal in the world.

So No.7 is do something. Take action on yourgoal everyday. Every single day once you have decided on your goal and let'ssay that your goal is to double your income, once you have decided to doubleyour income, every single day do something that moves you in that direction.Never let a day go past. 7 days a week, 365 days a year, do something everydaythat moves you toward your most important goal. If you can do that, you changeyour life.

Because here's the wonderful thing. When youhave a clear future vision and then you break it down on paper into goals andthen you do something everyday that moves you towards your goal, you feelhappy, you feel powerful, your self-esteem goes up, you feel confident, yourdimmer switch goes on full, you become more optimistic and more creative, yourwhole world works better with a goal. And the reason most people are unhappytoday is because they don't have any goals. Just like the aircraft pilot nothaving a destination, he was just going in circles.