So I'm going to give you an exercise."Oh, this is good stuff." What I want you to do before the end of theday, before you go to bed tonight, I want you to take a sheet of paper and thetop of the sheet of paper, write the word 'Goals' and then write today's date. ThenI want you to write down 10 goals. Write down 10 goals that you'd like toaccomplish in the next year. You can write more than 10, if you'd like. But youwrite at least 10. This is the only real exercise I'm going to give you. And ifyou do this, it will change your life. Write down a list of 10 goals. So I wantyou to promise me that before you go to bed tonight, you'll make a list of 10goals. Promise me, say "Yes." Now even if you are lying, says"Yes."
I gave this exercise to a seminar of 500women at a convention some years ago. Two months later I met a woman who hadbeen at the seminar. And they were sharing rooms in the hotel. She was sharinga room with another woman. They had come from different parts of the country.And they're sharing a room to keep expenses down. She said, "My whole lifehas changed since I wrote my 10 goals." She said, "It's wonderful. Ihave accomplished half of the goals. I'm making twice as much money." Shesaid, "My life is transformed." She said, "But let me tell you astory." She said, "When I got back to my room that night with myroommate and we all said 'yes', I'llwrite down 10 goals. I immediately got out a piece of paper and I began towrite my goals. And my roommate said, 'What are you doing?' I said, 'Well I promisedBrian I would write down 10 goals, so I'm writing down my 10 goals.'"
She said "That's just silly, thatdoesn't work. That's just something you say in conventions." She said,"Oh, no." She said, "I promised to write down my 10 goals."She said, "Oh, don't waste your time." She said, "No, I said I'ddo it and I'm going to do it." So she wrote down the 10 goals. Well theunfortunate part of this story is this, is the woman who didn't write down the10 goals had left the business and gone back to working as a waitress in acafe. The woman who wrote down her 10 goals had transformed her life anddoubled her income in 2 months.
So once you've written down your 10 goals,there's one more part of the exercise. I want you to look at your list of goalsand I want you to ask this question: "Which one goal on this list if Icould achieve it within 24 hours, would have the biggest positive impact oreffect on my life?" "Which one goal?" And you read through yourlist of goals and you pick the one goal that if you could achieve that wouldhave the greatest impact on your life. Then you take that goals and you writeit at the top of a new piece of paper. And then you set a deadline and then youmake a list of everything you can think of to achieve that goal. And then youorganize the list by priority and sequence. And then you take action on thatgoal and you do something everyday.
If you'll follow this formula that I've justgiven you, write down 10 goals, select the most important goal, make a plan toachieve that most important goal and do something everyday, my promise to youis in a week, a month, a year from now, your whole life will be different. Youwill never be the same. This changed my life. It's changed the life of everyperson who has ever practiced it as long as you don't make an excuse not towrite down your 10 goals before you go to bed because I'm coming over to yourhouse tonight to check.
Now the last orientation I want to sharewith you is excellence-orientation. Excellence-orientation means that you mustcommit to excellence to be successful. You must decide that whatever you do fora living, you're going to be the best at what you do. Now when I talk about 'Bethe best' or 'Commit to excellence', I mean, commit to getting into the top 10%in your business, the top 10% in terms of income. Now you can find out how muchthe top 10% of people make. And remember you're already in the top 10% in termsof your thinking. And that's what's most important. So decide to commit toexcellence and get into the top 10%.
This was a major problem for me. When I wasgrowing up, I failed in school, I failed in sports, I had no friends, I gotfired from jobs more times than I can count. And so the idea of 'excellence'was too big an idea for me. I didn't believe that I was good enough to be good,that I was good enough to be excellent at anything. And so I would always holdmyself back and I always had an excuse not to try. And then I learned somethingthat changed my life. I learned that everybody who's in the top 10% started inthe bottom 10%. Everybody who is doing well today was once doing poorly.Everybody who is at the top of your field was once not even in your field orbusiness at all. And anything that anyone else is done, you can do it as well.When I learned that, it changed my life. What I learned was that if you decideto be excellent, you can become excellent as long as you don't quit, as long asyou don't give up.
So here's how you change your life andchange you future. Ask yourself of all the skills that I need to be successful,"What one skill will help me the most?" "What one skill if I didit in an excellent way will help me the most to get into the top 10%?"What one skill, if you developed and did it, would help you to double yourincome more than any other skill? And whatever that is, write it down as agoal. And set a deadline to become excellent in that area. And make a list ofall the things that you can do to achieve the goal. And then organize the listinto a plan. And then take action on your plan. And then do something everydayuntil you become excellent in that area. Remember nobody's better than you,nobody's smarter than you. If somebody else is excellent in that area, you canbecome excellent in that area as well.
Let me tell you 2 things that are veryimportant. Can anybody here drive a car by the way? Can you ride a bicycle? Canyou use a computer or cell phone? Okay. If you can do any of those things, youcan learn any business skill. Business skills are not like athletics where youhave to have special ability or music where you have to have special talent.Business skills are learnable skills. All business skills are learnable byanyone. Anyone can learn to ride a bicycle. Anyone can learn to drive a car.Anyone can learn any business skill. All business skills are learnable. Andnobody is better than you and nobody's smarter than you.
Now here is the 2nd point. You could be onlyone skill away from doubling your income. You could be only one skill away fromdoubling your income. And you probably know what that skill is. You probablyknow what it is. So ask yourself this question, "What one skill, if I wasreally good at it, would help me the most to double my income?"
Now, since we areall entrepreneurs that means we are all in the business of sales. We are all insales everyday. We sell ourselves. We sell our ideas. We try to influence otherpeople. Anybody who says that "I'm not in sales" just has notunderstood. Everyone is in sales. How many people here have children? Have youever tried to make your children go to bed at night? Yes. Does that requiresales? That requires tremendous persuasion skills to get your children to go tobed. Anyway I have four children of my own, so I know.
So I'm going to give you an exercise."Oh, this is good stuff." What I want you to do before the end of theday, before you go to bed tonight, I want you to take a sheet of paper and thetop of the sheet of paper, write the word 'Goals' and then write today's date. ThenI want you to write down 10 goals. Write down 10 goals that you'd like toaccomplish in the next year. You can write more than 10, if you'd like. But youwrite at least 10. This is the only real exercise I'm going to give you. And ifyou do this, it will change your life. Write down a list of 10 goals. So I wantyou to promise me that before you go to bed tonight, you'll make a list of 10goals. Promise me, say "Yes." Now even if you are lying, says"Yes."
I gave this exercise to a seminar of 500women at a convention some years ago. Two months later I met a woman who hadbeen at the seminar. And they were sharing rooms in the hotel. She was sharinga room with another woman. They had come from different parts of the country.And they're sharing a room to keep expenses down. She said, "My whole lifehas changed since I wrote my 10 goals." She said, "It's wonderful. Ihave accomplished half of the goals. I'm making twice as much money." Shesaid, "My life is transformed." She said, "But let me tell you astory." She said, "When I got back to my room that night with myroommate and we all said 'yes', I'llwrite down 10 goals. I immediately got out a piece of paper and I began towrite my goals. And my roommate said, 'What are you doing?' I said, 'Well I promisedBrian I would write down 10 goals, so I'm writing down my 10 goals.'"
She said "That's just silly, thatdoesn't work. That's just something you say in conventions." She said,"Oh, no." She said, "I promised to write down my 10 goals."She said, "Oh, don't waste your time." She said, "No, I said I'ddo it and I'm going to do it." So she wrote down the 10 goals. Well theunfortunate part of this story is this, is the woman who didn't write down the10 goals had left the business and gone back to working as a waitress in acafe. The woman who wrote down her 10 goals had transformed her life anddoubled her income in 2 months.
So once you've written down your 10 goals,there's one more part of the exercise. I want you to look at your list of goalsand I want you to ask this question: "Which one goal on this list if Icould achieve it within 24 hours, would have the biggest positive impact oreffect on my life?" "Which one goal?" And you read through yourlist of goals and you pick the one goal that if you could achieve that wouldhave the greatest impact on your life. Then you take that goals and you writeit at the top of a new piece of paper. And then you set a deadline and then youmake a list of everything you can think of to achieve that goal. And then youorganize the list by priority and sequence. And then you take action on thatgoal and you do something everyday.
If you'll follow this formula that I've justgiven you, write down 10 goals, select the most important goal, make a plan toachieve that most important goal and do something everyday, my promise to youis in a week, a month, a year from now, your whole life will be different. Youwill never be the same. This changed my life. It's changed the life of everyperson who has ever practiced it as long as you don't make an excuse not towrite down your 10 goals before you go to bed because I'm coming over to yourhouse tonight to check.
Now the last orientation I want to sharewith you is excellence-orientation. Excellence-orientation means that you mustcommit to excellence to be successful. You must decide that whatever you do fora living, you're going to be the best at what you do. Now when I talk about 'Bethe best' or 'Commit to excellence', I mean, commit to getting into the top 10%in your business, the top 10% in terms of income. Now you can find out how muchthe top 10% of people make. And remember you're already in the top 10% in termsof your thinking. And that's what's most important. So decide to commit toexcellence and get into the top 10%.
This was a major problem for me. When I wasgrowing up, I failed in school, I failed in sports, I had no friends, I gotfired from jobs more times than I can count. And so the idea of 'excellence'was too big an idea for me. I didn't believe that I was good enough to be good,that I was good enough to be excellent at anything. And so I would always holdmyself back and I always had an excuse not to try. And then I learned somethingthat changed my life. I learned that everybody who's in the top 10% started inthe bottom 10%. Everybody who is doing well today was once doing poorly.Everybody who is at the top of your field was once not even in your field orbusiness at all. And anything that anyone else is done, you can do it as well.When I learned that, it changed my life. What I learned was that if you decideto be excellent, you can become excellent as long as you don't quit, as long asyou don't give up.
So here's how you change your life andchange you future. Ask yourself of all the skills that I need to be successful,"What one skill will help me the most?" "What one skill if I didit in an excellent way will help me the most to get into the top 10%?"What one skill, if you developed and did it, would help you to double yourincome more than any other skill? And whatever that is, write it down as agoal. And set a deadline to become excellent in that area. And make a list ofall the things that you can do to achieve the goal. And then organize the listinto a plan. And then take action on your plan. And then do something everydayuntil you become excellent in that area. Remember nobody's better than you,nobody's smarter than you. If somebody else is excellent in that area, you canbecome excellent in that area as well.
Let me tell you 2 things that are veryimportant. Can anybody here drive a car by the way? Can you ride a bicycle? Canyou use a computer or cell phone? Okay. If you can do any of those things, youcan learn any business skill. Business skills are not like athletics where youhave to have special ability or music where you have to have special talent.Business skills are learnable skills. All business skills are learnable byanyone. Anyone can learn to ride a bicycle. Anyone can learn to drive a car.Anyone can learn any business skill. All business skills are learnable. Andnobody is better than you and nobody's smarter than you.
Now here is the 2nd point. You could be onlyone skill away from doubling your income. You could be only one skill away fromdoubling your income. And you probably know what that skill is. You probablyknow what it is. So ask yourself this question, "What one skill, if I wasreally good at it, would help me the most to double my income?"
Now, since we areall entrepreneurs that means we are all in the business of sales. We are all insales everyday. We sell ourselves. We sell our ideas. We try to influence otherpeople. Anybody who says that "I'm not in sales" just has notunderstood. Everyone is in sales. How many people here have children? Have youever tried to make your children go to bed at night? Yes. Does that requiresales? That requires tremendous persuasion skills to get your children to go tobed. Anyway I have four children of my own, so I know.