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스페이스 오디티 향수 내가 좋아하는 향기다. 향수보다 디퓨저로 뿌리기 좋은 향수다. 2018. 8. 29.
China’s demographic crisis may spell the beginning of the end for its draconian population controls. China’s demographic crisis may spell the beginning of the end for its draconian population controls. Faced with its own aging population and declining birthrate, China’s original “one child” policy and now its “two child” policy seem destined for the scrapheap. A state-run news agency has reported that lawmakers have scrubbed so-called “family planning” from a draft of upcoming laws. China first.. 2018. 8. 29.
Chinese and U.S. negotiators are mapping out talks to try to end their trade standoff. Chinese and U.S. negotiators are mapping out talks to try to end their trade standoff. The move comes ahead of planned meetings between President Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping in November. As tariffs on both sides begin to take a toll, the planned talks are aimed at ending the current spiraling impasse. A prolonged conflict with Washington threatens to derail China’s plans to remake its ec.. 2018. 8. 29.
Vietnam’s advance to the football semifinals at this year’s Asian Games has electrified the nation. Vietnam’s advance to the football semifinals at this year’s Asian Games has electrified the nation. For some, the team’s recent victory at the Asian Games harkens back to January of this year when the team clinched a spot in the under 23 Asian Championships. Central to all the success is former Korean national team assistant coach Park Hang-seo. In fact, many in Vietnam are referring to his achi.. 2018. 8. 29.
HEADLINE 1 The government unveiled next year’s budget proposal which surpasses 470 trillion won. HEADLINE 1 The government unveiled next year’s budget proposal which surpasses 470 trillion won. HEADLINE 2 Seoul lodged a strong protest against Tokyo’s renewed claim through its annual defense white paper to South Korea’s easternmost Dokdo Island. HEADLINE 3 Kim Jeong-ryeol, second vice minister for land, infrastructure and transport, said the government will look into the exact cause of the e.. 2018. 8. 29.
아디코 DIY House 내 손으로 만드는 미니어처 세상 아디코 DIY House 내 손으로 만드는 미니어처 세상놀라운 미니어처 세상이다. 아디코에서 나온 직접 만드는 셋트.. 만들어진거 갖고 싶은데. 직접 만들려면 머리 다 빠질 듯. ㅋㅋㅋ 어쨌든 예뻐서 공유~ 2018. 8. 28.
Canada’s opposition Conservative Party has voted to work towards legislation to end citizenship by birthplace amid the booming Chinese birth tourism industry. Canada’s opposition Conservative Party has voted to work towards legislation to end citizenship by birthplace amid the booming Chinese birth tourism industry. The move aims to deny Canadian citizenship of newborns if neither of the child's parents are Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Conservatives say birth tourism debases the value of Canadian citizenship. Liberals say the measure is b.. 2018. 8. 28.
Students in the United States embarked on a crusade to the Massachusetts headquarters of gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson to protest gun violence. Students in the United States embarked on a crusade to the Massachusetts headquarters of gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson to protest gun violence. Over 100 protesters rallied outdoors and condemned the company for making the rifle used in the February mass shooting in Parkland, Florida. The group also wants the company to donate $5 million to gun violence research. Their protest came as news brok.. 2018. 8. 28.
When it comes to economic growth, age is not just a number, as Korea’s working age population shrank for the first time, officially making the country an “aged society.” When it comes to economic growth, age is not just a number, as Korea’s working age population shrank for the first time, officially making the country an “aged society.” According to Statistics Korea, the number of working age people between the ages of 15 and 64 fell by roughly 0.3 percent from 36.31 million in 2016 to 36.2 million last year. It is the first time that this number declined year-.. 2018. 8. 28.
More than 1 million electric cars have been sold in Europe. HEADLINE 1 The number of households in the country surpassed the 20 million mark for the first time. HEADLINE 2 Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kim Dong-yeon said that the government will increase next year’s social overhead capital budget, dedicating all efforts to job creation. HEADLINE 3 For the third consecutive day, heavy rain is causing widespread damage across the nation. HEADL.. 2018. 8. 28.
우아하고 낭만적인 비 오는 날의 파리, ‘몽 파리(Mon Paris)’ 컬렉션 출시 프렌치 센슈얼 주얼리 디디에 두보가 ‘몽 파리(Mon Paris)’ 컬렉션을 출시했다. 디디에 두보의 몽 파리(Mon Paris) 컬렉션은 브랜드 아이덴티티가 담긴 프리미엄 라인으로, 고급스럽고 새로운 스타일을 선보인다. 독보적인 프렌치 감성을 선보이는 디디에 두보가 출시한 이번 몽 파리(Mon Paris) 컬렉션은 많은 예술가들이 매료된 비 오는 날의 파리 감성을 담았다. 천연석과 프렌치스러운 엔티크 컬러를 바탕으로 한 디자인은 빗방울이 떨어져 맺힌 모습을 다이아몬드의 불규칙한 배열을 통해 표현했다. 또한, 디디에 두보만의 센슈얼골드 컬러와 은은한 그레이 컬러의 엔티크 도금은 빗물을 머금은 듯 부드러운 색감이 시선을 사로잡는다. 특히, 이번 2018 FW 신제품은 센슈얼골드와 로즈골드 두 컬러의 제품으.. 2018. 8. 27.
Vietnam's U-23 national football team, led by Korean coach Park Hang-seo made its debut at the quarterfinals in the Asian Games. Vietnam's U-23 national football team, led by Korean coach Park Hang-seo made its debut at the quarterfinals in the Asian Games. Vietnamese media noted that Vietnam was the only Southeast Asian country to enter the men's soccer quarterfinals at this year's Asian Games in Indonesia. Park has also been praised by Korean media and there appears to be general consensus that he's proved his worth. 2018. 8. 27.
The United Nations warns that the current Venezuelan refugee crisis is evoking the darkest days of the European refugee crisis of 2015. The United Nations warns that the current Venezuelan refugee crisis is evoking the darkest days of the European refugee crisis of 2015. Thousands of people are fleeing the country every day to escape an economic collapse. Hyperinflation has racked the economy and savings accounts have evaporated. The exodus is overwhelming neighboring countries including Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Argent.. 2018. 8. 27.
U.S. Senator John McCain passed away over the weekend after a yearlong battle with brain cancer. U.S. Senator John McCain passed away over the weekend after a yearlong battle with brain cancer. The war hero is being remembered for his candor and bravery on the battlefield and in the halls of Congress. Over his 30-year career in Washington, he fought for campaign finance reform, comprehensive immigration reform and regulations against Big Tobacco. 2018. 8. 27.
Global Headlines The U.S. and China ended recent trade negotiations “empty handed” raising concerns their trade war will further intensify. HEADLINE 1 Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon announced that the city will postpone the development of Yeouido and Yongsan areas. HEADLINE 2 The 21st reunion of inter-Korean families separated by war concluded on Sunday. HEADLINE 3 U.S. President Trump cancelled Secretary of State Pompeo’s visit to North Korea this week. HEADLINE 4 The U.S. and China ended recent trade negotiations “empty handed” raising.. 2018. 8. 27.
내 아이디는 강남미인’ 차은우, “딴 남자한테 업히지 마.” 임수향에게 직진 시작! 차은우가 이웃사촌이 된 임수향을 향한 거침없는 돌진을 시작한 ‘내 아이디는 강남미인’이 전국 4.4%, 수도권 5.0%의 시청률을 기록하며, 자체 최고 시청률을 유지했다.(닐슨코리아, 유료가구 기준) 지난 24일 방송된 JTBC 금토드라마 ‘내 아이디는 강남미인’(극본 최수영, 연출 최성범)에서는 생애 첫 자취를 시작한 도경석(차은우)의 혹독한 현실 적응기와 그와 이웃사촌이 된 강미래(임수향)의 설레는 자취 라이프가 그려졌다. 또한, 캠퍼스 밖에서도 이어지는 도래 커플의 은근한 썸은 방송 말미 술에 취한 미래를 데려다 준 후, “딴 남자에게 업히지 마”라는 경석의 직구로 한층 아찔한 전개를 예고했다. 우영(곽동연)의 옥탑방 룸메이트로 미래와 같은 동네에서 자취를 시작한 경석. 예고도 없이 어느 날 갑자기.. 2018. 8. 25.
‘내 아이디는 강남미인' 차은우, 당당해서 더 귀여운 츤데레 질투남! 설렘 지수UP! 연애세포 자극하는 ‘일상 속 심쿵남’ +감출 수 없는 ‘질투 본능’거침없는 직진! ‘로코 새내기’ 차은우의 설렘 대활약! 차은우의 당당한 질투가 주말 밤 설렘 지수를 높이고 있다. JTBC 금토드라마 '내 아이디는 강남미인(극본 최수영, 연출 최성범)'에서 ‘도경석’역을 맡은 차은우가 강미래(임수향)을 향한 설렘과 질투를 여과 없이 드러내며 여심을 흔들고 있는 것. 24일 방송된 9회에서는 ‘일상 속 심쿵’을 자아내는 경석의 모습이 그려졌다. 분리수거 하는 미래 뒤에서 갑자기 나타난 경석은 넘어질 뻔한 미래를 받쳐주며 의도치 않은 백허그로 설렘을 선사했다. 그뿐만 아니라 ‘미래 한정 레이더’로 미래의 발목이 아프다는 것을 바로 알아챈 경석은 미래를 다정하게 살펴주는 모습으로 시청자들의 잠자고 있던 연애 .. 2018. 8. 25.
‘션샤인’ 이병헌, 케미 끝판왕 등극… ‘바등쪼’들의 브로맨스를 책임진다! 매회 높은 시청률을 기록, 국내드라마 일간검색어 1위에 등극하며 시청자들의 주말 저녁을 뜨겁게 책임지고 있는 tvN 드라마 ‘미스터 션샤인’에서 눈길을 사로잡는 훈훈한 매력의 브로맨스 조합이 화제다. 그 중심에는 유진 초이, 배우 이병헌이 있다. 애신을 향한 각기 다른 애정을 보여주며 긴장감이 고조되는 상황 속에서 만났다 하면 분위기가 반전되는 재미를 보여주고 있는 ‘바보’, ‘등신’, ’쪼다’ 일명 ‘바등쪼’ 트리오는 매 회 긴장과 유머를 넘나들며 드라마의 재미를 책임지고 있다. 지난 방송에서는 선교사 요셉의 살해범으로 체포된 동매(유연석 분)를 위해 유진(이병헌 분)과 희성(변요한 분)이 힘을 합해 뜻밖의 의기투합을 보여주며 드라마의 또 다른 관전 포인트로 자리잡았다. 앞서 유진 초이는 첫 만남부터 .. 2018. 8. 25.