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According to government data, Korea is home to nearly 13.5 million senior citizens between the ages of 55 and 79. According to government data, Korea is home to nearly 13.5 million senior citizens between the ages of 55 and 79. That’s up 512,000 people, or 4%, from a year ago. More than 56% of Korea’s seniors are currently working, while nearly 46% are collecting a pension. The average monthly pension amounts to approximately 570,000 won, with males taking home 760,000 won and females 370,000. In addition t..
Korea is likely to face inflationary pressure due to rising oil prices, fallout from record high temperatures, and increasing public utility rates. Korea is likely to face inflationary pressure due to rising oil prices, fallout from record high temperatures, and increasing public utility rates. Rising oil prices tend to fuel inflationary pressure by jacking up production costs. In addition, the current heat wave, is feared to sharply increase prices of vegetables and other foods. Finally, Seoul City and other municipal governments are poise..
Global Headlines Hundreds have gone missing after a dam collapsed in southeast Laos on Monday HEADLINE 1 Hundreds have gone missing after a dam collapsed in southeast Laos on Monday, flooding 6 villages, resulting in many residents being killed and hundred others displaced. HEADLINE 2 The daily high in Yeongcheon and Yeoju exceeded 40 degrees Celsius yesterday. HEADLINE 3 Amid ongoing heat waves across the country, the maximum electricity demand set a new record. HEADLINE 4 North Korea h..
관효동&쑹웨이룽 주연 '봉수황(凤囚凰)' 명장면 총정리 1회~8회까지 줄거리... 요즘 보는 중국드라마 '봉수황(凤囚凰)'은 중국 후난위성TV 에서 올 초에 했던 드라마다. 여자 주인공 주작(유초옥) 역 관효동과 잘생김을 연기하는 용지 역의 쑹웨이룽을 보는 재미에 보는 드라마다. 그냥 두 주인공 보려고 보는, 말도 안되는 스토리가 나와도 그냥 보는 그런 드라마랄까? 그냥 둘의 로맨스는 재미있다. 1회부터 16회는 유송에서 있던 일을, 용의주도?!한 용지가 자기를 좋아하는 초옥을 더 좋아하게 되면서 일어나는 로맨스가 완전 재미있었고, 17회에는 둘이 헤어지자 말도 안되는 이야기 꾼이 등장해서 전혀 새로운 이야기를 북위에서 초옥과 용지가 화친혼을 올리는 걸로 시작하는 드라마다. 보면서 종종 기가막히는 내용이 있는데, 그냥 둘의 로맨스 보는 재미로 보는 드라마다. 봐도 봐도 재미있어서 회차..
중국드라마 '봉수황' 용지가 말 안듣는 초옥이 길들이기 대작전!! '봉수황'의 초옥이와 용지의 로맨스는 너무 재미있다. 관효동과 쑹웨이룽의 케미가 장난이 아니다. 무엇보다 회가 거듭될 수록 용지 역의 쑹웨이룽의 연기가 는다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ그래서 지금 중화TV에서 22회정도 할 때와 46회쯤 할 때는 연기 실력이 다르다. ^^:;; 어쨌든, 누군가 멋지게 편집한 영상을 올린게 있어서 공유한다. 46회에 나오는 용지가 초옥이 길들이는 장면이다. 그래도 용지가 초옥이 얼마나 사랑하는지 나와서 좋다. 죽은줄 알고 우는 용지... 넘 둘의 로맨스 좋다~ 둘 너무 좋다... 드라마 '봉수황' 총정리http://mysplendidlifestyle.tistory.com/3?category=670785 기타 뮤직비디오... http://mysplendidlifestyle...
A few beers or a bottle of wine a week may actually be beneficial for men hoping to start a family. A few beers or a bottle of wine a week may actually be beneficial for men hoping to start a family. A study in Italy showed that moderate drinkers had a better sperm count than those who drank less or more. Moderate drinkers were classified as men who drank four to seven units of alcohol a week. Experts think the antioxidants in wine or the Xanthohumol in beer could improve sperm by protecting c..
Eating dinner before 9 PM could reduce your chances of breast and prostate cancer by about 20%. Eating dinner before 9 PM could reduce your chances of breast and prostate cancer by about 20%. A study of over 4,000 people suggests that eating dinner at least two hours before going to bed can reduce your chances of both cancers. Scientists believe that eating late causes inflammation in the body and alters blood sugar levels. These are both linked with cancer.
Just the smell of coffee alone could boost your brain's performance. Just the smell of coffee alone could boost your brain's performance. Participants in a recent study were given a test. Half the group took the test in a room that smelt like coffee, while the other half were in a room with no smell. Participants in the coffee-smelling room performed significantly better. Scientists think that rather than having a chemical effect, the smell of coffee had a placeb..
