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목이 칼칼한 이런 날에는 수정과를... #전통찻집 #수정과 #광화문카페추천 #프레스센터카페 #전통차 #서울에서두번째로잘하는집 목이 칼칼한 이런 날에는 수정과를... #전통찻집 #수정과 #광화문카페추천 #프레스센터카페 #전통차 #서울에서두번째로잘하는집
광화문카페 광화문전통차 프레스센터지하 전통찻집 서울에서 두번째로 잘하는 집 광화문카페 광화문전통차 프레스센터지하 전통찻집 서울에서 두번째로 잘하는 집 #광화문카페 #광화문전통차 #프레스센터지하 #전통찻집 #서울에서두번째로잘하는집
샤브샤브맛집인 광화문맛집 파이낸스지하 로즈힐 RoseHill에서 점심을 먹다 광화문맛집 파이낸스지하 로즈힐 RoseHill에서 점심을 먹다 #광화문맛집 #파이낸스지하 #로즈힐 #RoseHill에
다심헌 선생님이 주신 고급 중국차 고산 백차 백목단 마시기 고급 중국차 고산 백차 백목단 마시기 풀냄새가 아주 좋은 차다. 고급차. #고급중국차 #고산백차 #백목단
[영어성경읽기] Psalms 62 listen! 시편62편 영어 원어민 발음(5번 반복) 듣기/외우기 Psalms 62 listen! 시편62편 영어 원어민 발음(5번 반복) 듣기/외우기 Psalms 62 1 Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. 2 Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. 3 How long will you assault me? Would all of you throw me down— this leaning wall, this tottering fence? 4 Surely they intend to topple me from my lofty place; they take delight in lies. With t..
New #Caledonia voted to stay part of #France at least for a couple more years. The #nickelrich island in the #Pacific voted 56% against #independence. New Caledonia voted to stay part of France at least for a couple more years. The nickel-rich island in the Pacific voted 56% against independence. However, there are two more referendums lined up for 2020 and 2022. New Caledonia has been part of France since 1853. It has had a tortuous colonial history and has considerable inequality. But it also enjoys some of the highest living standards of al..
#Soaking in a hot #bath can be one of life's greatest simple pleasures, but in #Japan, #authorities are warning that it could also be #fatal. Soaking in a hot bath can be one of life's greatest simple pleasures, but in Japan, authorities are warning that it could also be fatal. As temperatures fall, Japanese love taking leisurely soaks in hot water, but deaths from baths there are five times higher than traffic fatalities. The elderly are especially susceptible because when you enter the bath, your blood pressure rises and then falls ..
#California marked its 10-month anniversary of legalizing the use of #marijuana for recreational use. California marked its 10-month anniversary of legalizing the use of marijuana for recreational use. But now it must grapple with another legal matter: the rise in marijuana-related driving accidents. A recent case of a young man who killed a pregnant mother when driving solely under the influence of marijuana has raised concerns that more such incidents are sure to follow. On study showed that c..
